When No modification hardware is selected, the controller will not include the MZ Titan mod chip and/or any mods. The controller will be modified only cosmetically as shown on the product pictures. You won't be able to connect to MZ Than App and add any mods or perks via the App.
When Rapid Fire hardware is selected, the controller will come equipped with MZ Titan modchip with Rapid Fire mod activated. You will have an option to purchase additional mods and perks including the Anti Recoil via the MZ Titan App anytime you will feel the need of any of them.

FPS Hardware
When FPS mod pack is selected, the controller will come equipped with MZ Titan modchip and FPS mod pack activated. FPS (First Person Shooter) mod pack includes Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Akimbo, Drop Shot, Jump Shot, Auto Scope, Quick Scope, Auto Hold Breath, and Auto Sprint. You will have an option to purchase additional mods and perks via the MZ Titan App anytime.
When the Ultimate mod pack is selected, the controller will come equipped with MZ Titan modchip and ALL available at the time of purchase mods activated - Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Akimbo, Advanced Anti Recoil, Drop Shot, Jump Shot, Auto Sprint, Bunny Hop, Auto Hold Breath, Auto Scope, Quick Scope, Aim Assist Abuse, Auto Turbo, Auto Ping, Auto Lean, Macro Mod, COD Slide Cancel, COD Armor Repair, COD Auto Heal, the Battlefield and The Division Modpacks, The Gears of War (for Xbox only), The Fortnite pack and P1/P2/P3/P4 (if the controller is equipped with back paddles), and the newly added mods - Crouch Shot, Horizontal Recoil Assist, Auto Reload, Strafe Shot, Double Jump, Auto Swap, and NBA Green Shot.
Please note: The Ultimate modpack does not include the Thumbstick Drift Fix feature, which is available for purchase separately via the MZ Titan App.

The Rapid Fire mod converts single shot and semi-automatic weapons into fully automatic. Custom rate of fire speeds can be set.

The Advanced Anti Recoil Assist Mod reduces recoil on almost any weapon to give dead-center accuracy.

Compatible with MZ Titan 1.0 only. The Pulse Recoil Assist is the updated version of our Anti Recoil Assist mod that reduces recoil on almost any weapon to give a dead-center accuracy. You can customize the vertical pulse value. The mod can be added to the controller via MZ Titan App. This mod is available exclusively from ModdedZone.

When the player positions the crosshair near an enemy and presses the ADS trigger, the aim assist mod automatically snaps the crosshair over to the target. The effect of aim assist is noticeable in single player, campaign and co-op game modes (e.g. COD Zombies). The mod is not compatible with multiplayer.

The Burst Fire mod automatically presses the fire trigger a certain amount of times, stops for a defined period and repeats while the fire trigger is pressed.

The Auto Scope Mod can be configured to activate the ADS/Scope as soon as the fire trigger is pressed, either by fully pressing the fire trigger, or by double-tapping the fire trigger.

The Akimbo mod allows to fire dual-wielding weapons by just pressing the regular fire trigger.

The Quick Scope mod automatically aims down the sights, holds breath (if applicable), waits for the user's configured time and then takes the shot.

The Auto Hold Breath mod automatically holds the breath when aiming down the sights, significantly enhancing the accuracy of sniper shots.

The Auto Sprint mod can be configured to automatically start sprinting by just pushing forward or double tapping forward the movement stick.

The Drop Shot mod makes the character automatically drop to the prone/crouch position each time you fire your weapon. The player can keep the thumb on the stick to aim and fire upon the opponent at the same time that the player's profile is reduced, making it more difficult for the enemy to hit the shots.

Specially indicated for close range combat, the Jump Shot mod makes the character continuously jump while the fire trigger is kept pressed. The player can keep the thumb on the stick to aim and fire upon the opponent at the same time that makes it extremely difficult for the enemy to hit the target.

Automatically crouch while firing with the Crouch Shot MOD to improve your gameplay. This feature makes you harder to hit while shooting at enemies and can surprise opponents, allowing you to take them out before they can react. Additionally, crouching typically reduces your hitbox, making it more difficult for enemies to target critical areas.

Compatible with MZ Titan 2.0 only.
The Horizontal Recoil Assist Mod compensates the weapon horizontal recoil by automatically offsetting the aiming stick position to the opposite direction which the weapon is moving when firing, while still allowing the player to use the thumbstick to track the target.

Automatically reload your weapon when you stop firing with the Auto Reload mod. This feature works by pressing the reload button immediately after you release the fire trigger, providing a significant advantage in fast-paced, high-pressure situations. It saves valuable seconds, allowing you to respond more quickly and effectively to enemy threats.

Compatible with MZ Titan 2.0 only.
The Strafe Shot mod allows players to move and shoot simultaneously, providing greater mobility and control over their character. This is especially useful in situations where players need to quickly reposition while targeting enemies.

Automatically perform a double-jump by tapping the jump button with the Double Jump MOD. This feature enhances your gameplay by enabling quicker, more efficient movement, allowing you to reach higher or farther platforms and gain a strategic advantage over other players. It is particularly useful in games where accessing hard-to-reach areas or out-maneuvering enemies is crucial.

Automatically swap weapons after you stop firing with the Auto Swap mod. This feature simplifies weapon switching during gameplay by automatically changing to another weapon after firing, enabling continuous shooting without interruptions. It enhances combat efficiency, improving both performance and overall firepower.

Compatible with MZ Titan 2.0 only. Fix thumbstick drift manually by recalibrating the center position. This mod applies to both left and right thumbsticks.

Compatible with MZ Titan 2.0 only. Enable the automatic calibration function for the Thumbstick Drift Fix mod. This feature is add-on option for the thumbstick drift fix.

Compatible with MZ Titan 2.0 only.
The mod automatically adjusts the right thumbstick based on user-defined settings for a specified duration. Customize the green shot assist for each NBA player. Activating the mod with the left bumper minimizes the chance of user input shifting the thumbstick sideways, leading to more accurate shots.
Available via MZ Titan App & Mods Marketplace
The Bunny Hop mod makes your character to automatically sprint and jump repeatedly in order to move faster instead of just running. Moving in a zigzag pattern while bunny hopping is the fastest way to move around making the the player a more difficult target.
The Auto Turbo mod automatically presses the button chosen by the user. The button press speed can be customized.
The Auto Ping mod works with all games that have the ping or mark function. When enabled, the mod automatically presses the ping/mark button when firing the weapon. The mod includes the double tap function.
The Auto Lean mod allows you to automatically lean in each direction while ADS (aiming down sight) and firing. The Auto Lean mod is compatible with games that support lean option such as PUBG and Rainbow Six Siege.
Slide Cancel is compatible with Modern Warfare, Warzone and Vanguard. No more manual attempts to slide cancel, the mod will do the work for you.
The Auto Heal mod is specifically designed for Black Ops 4, addressing the unique healing mechanics introduced in the latest COD series release.
This mod is designed to streamline the armor repair process by eliminating the need to hold the weapon switch button continuously for an extended period which could be up to 5 seconds
The Macro mod automatically executes the sequence of up to 5 button presses configured by the user. Each button press time can be customized as well as the time between each button press event.
The NBA Shot Assist mod is compatible with MZ Titan 1.0 only. This feature aids the player to obtain more accurate shots.
Once activated, the mod will automatically hold down the right thumbtick for the amount of time configured by the user, resulting in more accurate shots and better chances for green shots.
This pack includes 2 exclusive mods for use with Battlefield games - Auto Spot and Auto Flashlight/Laser Sight.
AUTO SPOT mod automatically presses the spot button at the most optimized interval for the selected Battlefield game. Includes option to activate the mod only when the ADS trigger is being pressed (Scoping).
AUTO FLASHLIGHT or LASER SIGHT mod automatically turn on the equipped flashlight or laser sight when the fire trigger or ADS trigger is pressed, according to the users choice. And turns off the corresponding attachment as soon as the trigger is released.
This mod pack includes 6 exclusive mods for use with Fortnite - Quick Build Wall, Quick Build Floor, Quick Build Ramp, Quick Build Roof, Select The First Weapon or Select The Last Weapon.
Assign shortcuts to the back paddles to select the first and the last weapons from the inventory and/or shortcuts to quickly build structures, with automatic return to combat mode as soon as the paddle is released.
QUICK BUILD WALL. Press the paddle to build a wall structure or hold it to continuously build a wall while moving. Release the paddle to automatically return to combat mode.
QUICK BUILD FLOOR. Press the paddle to build a floor structure or hold it to continuously build a floor while moving. Release the paddle to automatically return to combat mode.
QUICK BUILD RAMP. Press the paddle to build a ramp structure or hold it to continuously build a ramp while moving. Release the paddle to automatically return to combat mode.
QUICK BUILD ROOF. Press the paddle to build a roof structure or hold it to continuously build a roof while moving. Release the paddle to automatically return to combat mode.
SELECT THE FIRST WEAPON. Press the paddle to automatically select the first weapon in the inventory, regardless of what weapon is currently equipped.
SELECT THE LAST WEAPON. Press the paddle to automatically select the last weapon in the inventory. If the inventory has only 3 weapons the 3rd weapon is selected; if there is 5 weapons the 5th is selected and so on.
This pack comes with 2 exclusive mods for use with Gears Of War games - Auto Tagging mod and Perfect Active Reload mod.
AUTO TAGGING mod automatically tags enemies when aiming (pressing the ADS trigger). NOTE: Enemy tagging has cooldown.
PERFECT ACTIVE RELOAD mod reduces the reload time and increases the damage per shot by configuring the correct time the reload button should automatically be pressed to achieve the perfect active reload for the equipped weapon.
This mod pack includes 4 exclusive mods for use with Tom Clancy's The Division games. The mods allow you to improve the gaming experience by automating tedious tasks.
EASY FULL MED KIT. No matter if playing PVE or PVP, it is always needed to apply med kits. Double-tap d-pad-right to apply a med kit and fully heal.
EASY REVIVE TEAMMATE. Just like the Easy Full Med Kit mod, the Easy Revive Teammate saves from holding down the revive button for 12 seconds on a fallen teammate. No more releasing the button early, just double-tap the Interact button to perform a full revive. This mod can also be used in PVE and PVP.
QUICK SKILL DESTROY. When you need to destroy one of your active skills, simply double tap the left or right bumper depending on the active skill you wish to destroy. Another time saver.
AUTO SCOPE ZOOM. If you're like Pro players you'll spend most of your time scoped in. Enable this mod to automatically zoom in when ADS.
Only for controllers equipped with paddles/add-on buttons.
This is a customization mod for K1 button/paddle with 4 operation modes: Remap Single, Remap Dual, Button Mimic and Toggle Mod. The K1 button can be configured to act as any of the face button, d-pad, triggers, bumpers, and stick pus buttons. The turbo option offers 10 turbo speeds for the target button(s). The K1 button can also be configured to quickly toggle on/off other mods such as Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Akimbo etc.
Only for controllers equipped with paddles/add-on buttons.
This is a customization mod for K2 button/paddle with 4 operation modes: Remap Single, Remap Dual, Button Mimic and Toggle Mod. The K2 button can be configured to act as any of the face button, d-pad, triggers, bumpers, and stick pus buttons. The turbo option offers 10 turbo speeds for the target button(s). The K2 button can also be configured to quickly toggle on/off other mods such as Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Akimbo etc.
Only for controllers equipped with paddles/add-on buttons.
This is a customization mod for K3 button/paddle with 4 operation modes: Remap Single, Remap Dual, Button Mimic and Toggle Mod. The K3 button can be configured to act as any of the face button, d-pad, triggers, bumpers, and stick pus buttons. The turbo option offers 10 turbo speeds for the target button(s). The K3 button can also be configured to quickly toggle on/off other mods such as Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Akimbo etc.
Only for controllers equipped with paddles/add-on buttons.
his is a customization mod for K4 button/paddle with 4 operation modes: Remap Single, Remap Dual, Button Mimic and Toggle Mod. The K4 button can be configured to act as any of the face button, d-pad, triggers, bumpers, and stick pus buttons. The turbo option offers 10 turbo speeds for the target button(s). The K4 button can also be configured to quickly toggle on/off other mods such as Rapid Fire, Burst Fire, Akimbo etc.
Only for controllers equipped with custom LED options.
The mod allows you to configure the light effect of modded controllers equipped with custom lighting (LED options). Set the brightness of the light, enamel simple pulsing light effect or the alternating pulse effect to gradually fade one color to another on controllers equipped with bi-color lighting.
Only for controllers equipped with custom LED options.
This is an identical to Light Control 1 Mod that is installed when there are multiple custom lighting (LED) options added to the controller.