Button remapping issues

  • My modded ps5 controller has an issue when using the remapped buttons on the rear side of the controller. No matter how I map these buttons when I use the square button, weather it's the remapped or normal square button, the L1 button triggers ALSO.   Another issue is while playing CoD  I'll interact with things randomly!!!  Sometimes switching my guns out, causing me to turn around and stare at the ground looking for my gun. 

    I sent my controller in for repairs 2 months after buying it (shipping cost$50), For a different issue with the directional pad.  
    I've had the controller now for 6 months and am frustrated. 

  • @Daniel Gumble 

    I'm having the same issue and my drift fix mod won't fix the drift as well

  • Hey modded zone I'm having issues. I've tried calling, messaging, support messaging on the site, with no reply. Can you please contact me.

  • Please email us support@moddedzone.com. You can always leave a number and we will reach back out to you. There has been a lot of traffic lately but we would love to assist you.

  • Interesting

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