About muscle recovery

  • Talking about muscle recovery with some friends recently, I came across the HGH Questions. One of them revealed that he has started using it and has already made remarkable growth in a short span of time. This made me think about the right dosage because I don’t want anything unpleasant to happen. Also, there’s a reader who says 4 IU a day is used by some people while 1-2 IU is at the lower end. What’s the deal with that? How do I get to the right level without crossing the line? It would be really great if you all have any personal insights to share!

  • It’s awesome that you’re researching this! When I started with HGH, I began at 3 IU, but I found that it was a bit much for my body initially. I recommend taking it slow and paying attention to how you feel. After a few weeks, I adjusted to 2 IU, which seemed to be my sweet spot. If you’re looking for more insights, I found a pretty informative page on human growth hormone that might help clarify things for you. Check it out here: human growth hormone https://misterolympia.shop/product/zptrop-hgh-160iu-usa-domestic-zphc/. Always good to chat with a healthcare pro, too, before you start!

  • I was thinking of starting with 3 IU too, but now I'll probably reconsider the dosage and start more cautiously to see how the body reacts. That's cool that you were able to find your optimal dosage of 2 IU. I'll definitely check out the page you recommended, I want more info before I start. And yes, consulting with a doctor definitely wouldn't hurt. Thanks again for your expertise, it helps!

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